martes, 7 de agosto de 2012

Menstuff Hunt 2012 segunda Parte

Shirt izquierda: Fresco moda #71 Wow Its Bright.... 0_0... All I See Is Frames
Shirt centro: UnderDogs #105  This Couch Is Quite Comfy
Chaqueta: Egoisme #1 Are you a Survivor? Even the living dead can't resist Egoisme fashion!

Pelo: KMADD (ya posteado anteriormente)
Skin: Essences (ya posteado anteriormente)
Shirt blanco: SIOPA #148 Look for a window
Jeans: 7Style #59 back of the vendor
Sandalias: Latreia #101 Need to clean your room.. boys always leave clothes on the floor

Shirt izquierda: Fe #58 Use Your Brain!
Shirt centro: Le Forme #28 look for display
Shirt derecha: Exit inc #62  ...any of a variety of devices that illumines the mind and/or soul when its the perfect one.
Shorts: Redgrave #147 The hottest man on earth always wears the hottest shorts also!

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